Friday, 3 May 2013

First Image

Soul Eater;
Death the kid


Best anime Images

Today I will be Just posting some random anime pics which have caught my eye.

Well Enjoy!! :)

#EpicPicsToCome #banzaitoanime

Anime List Update

Well, Hello people of the anime community!

Today I will be posting a list of anime in wich I would wish everyone can relate to/enjoy.

The list will be posted this saturday. Thank you! :)

Friday, 11 January 2013

People are so picky!

Hello people of the anime community!

I would like to mention something aswell as get your opinion on...

Why on earth are people soooooo picky when it comes to anime ratings?!
So many good anime never get the chance to make a second season due to the fact that people are giving them a bad reputation. The worst thing is that most of the people who are voting arent even paying for the anime they watch!

Just give it the best ratings possible and dont watch it, simple! That way so many of the anime's have a chance to get better or survive for the people who enjoy that anime! That's my opinion anyway, please feel free to comment on and share this topic.

Adam & The Crew